Current Issue
The Journal of Composites and Advance Materials (ISSN 2716-8018) is a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal dedicated to publish, assign and administrate high quality team of researchers, scientists and engineers. The objective of this journal is to publish recent works in the field of polymers, natural fibres, synthetic fibres, Natural/Synthetic fibres based composites, advance materials and its application for various filed such as Polymer science and Technology, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical engineering and Material Science/Engineering.
The scope of the Journal of Composites and Advance Materials (JCAM) includes a wide spectrum of subjects including:
- Advances in Composite Materials
- Agricultural wastes
- Biocomposites
- Biopolymers
- Flame retardant
- Material Characterization
- Materials Processing
- Mechanical Properties
- Nanocomposites
- Nano materials
- Nanoclay
- Natural fibres
- Plastics
- Polymer composites
- Polymers
- Synthetic fibres
- Thermal Analysis
- Thermal stable materials
- Wood polymer composites
- Others
Author Fees
There is no submission, publication or processing charges. Upon acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be directed to sign the copyright form on behalf of coauthor(s).
Abstracting and Indexing
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